memory tricks,

Your life is touched by a never-ending barrage of sensory
impressions-a continuous attack by countless little “sense-arrows,”
which invade your body through eyes and ears, mouth, nose and
fingertips...all over you! These impressions crash the gates and head
straight for your brain, there to be sorted and filed for future
As you read this page, vision sensarrows are carrying its message
to your brain; and because your mind is aware of your overall general
goal, everything is being filed under the heading of “memory” ...
“making mine better.” That, then, is your target: success at gathering
information about the psychological aspects of memory, and utilizing it
to strengthen your own ability to remember. Or, turning the minds
own habits to your practical advantage, much like a matador studies
the bull’s style of charging and turning, and then uses this knowledge
to help him turn in a better performance during the corrida.
A helpful image

To better visualize several of the basic aspects of your memory’s
“style” try this: imagine your sensarrows to be solid things; some will
be larger than others, thus less difficult to locate in your mental filing
cabinet. Then, too, should several arrows bunch together, the resulting
cluster would be much easier to find then a lone and lonely arrow.
Using this image as a starting-point, let’s begin to analyze your
mind’s memory habits, and see if they don’t afford a few suggestions
for strengthening your ability to remember.
Opening the drawer

Before those sensarrows can get into your mental filing cabinet,
you’ve got to open the drawer. Let your sesame be the words, “I want
to remember, I can remember, I shall remember!” As important as
knowing the best ways to go about strengthening your retentive ability
is your attitude. If you’re convinced before you start that nothing’s
going to help, then you’re absolutely right, even though you’re dead
wrong. The doubts that you have will always be present in your
conscious thoughts, leaving no room for practical memories.
But an optimistic outlook clears the rocks from the road at the
outset! If you’re confident that you can reach your goal, the route will
be fun, and everyone knows that fun is more fun than work! When you
come to a hill, a difficult part of making your memory better, just
making believe that it’s fun will make it a lot easier!
Experiments have demonstrated that people generally retain
memory of pleasant things more accurately, and for a longer time,
than memory of unhappiness. So it follows, doesn’t it, that by being an
optimist to begin with, your memory is automatically a great deal

Source : memory improvement

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