How to make someone fall for you

How to make someone want you

Years ago i used to think that if someone didn't like me then i can never make him want me or fall in love with me. I used to think that love is a natural mysterious process that has no rules and that cannot be controlled.
But Later on when i started to read about love's psychology i started to realize that this process is not random at all and that there are rules that govern it. By understanding and following these rules you will increase the chance of making someone want you by several folds.

Making someone want you by understanding the rules

Marketing is based on one main concept which is researching the consumer's needs then providing him with products that satisfies these needs.
If i have a superior product but the customer doesn't need it then he will never buy it. If i wrote an amazing article about training turtles to win every turtle race you will never be interested in reading it unless you have a turtle.
The same thing goes for love, if you managed to understand the other person's needs and wants you will be able to give him a product that satisfies these needs, in this case the product is you.
Every person wants to find certain traits in his potential partner. Once you manage to let someone find these traits in you he will want to be with you for certain. (see What is real love)

This is why you fail to make someone want you

The biggest mistake everyone makes when trying to make someone fall for them is that they try impressing their targets by assuming that what impresses them will impress their targets.
For example if self confidence impresses you then you might think that it will impress your target too which is a very big mistake.
In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i described how our backgrounds, cultures and past experiences determine what impresses us and what makes us want to be with someone. (see how to impress people)
If someone lived with his parents feeling financially insecure then most probably he will be impressed by ambition or financial success while if someone never felt this insecurity he may not become impressed by such things.
In summary, in order to make someone want you or in order to impress any person you need to know more information about his past experiences, his fears, his weak points and his background.
By understanding this person's needs then showing him that you can satisfy these needs you will be able to make that person fall for you and he will feel that he wants you without understanding why.

More tips to make someone want you

I just mentioned one technique that can help you make someone fall in love with you but there are tens of other techniques that you can use to make someone want you. The more techniques you use the higher will be your chance of success. Below are few other techniques that can help you make someone want you:
  • Act like his parent if he loves him: If a girl loves her father so much then most probably she will be become attached to someone who resembles her father's looks, behavior or even the way he walks. The opposite is true for males
  • Make him addicted: If you got used to eating a chocolate every morning then you will feel bad if one day you didn't find any. By nurturing that person on continues bases then suddenly withdrawing he will start to miss you and he will feel that he wants you
  • Stand tall: It was found that keeping a straight back and appearing confident can make you much more attractive. Stand tall whenever you are around the person you are interested in and you will increase the chance of making him want you .
  •  write by ; dr farouk
  • to know your self 

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