7 Methods for Detoxing and Cleansing Your Body of Toxins

detoxing and cleansing your body
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With the myriad of toxins we’re exposed to in modern society, we’re faced with an increasing burden of unnatural substances that invade our bodies, from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides to air and water pollution, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metals in our food, and the list goes on. Our current unhealthy living conditions call for a few radical corrective measures, if our goal is to maintain any level of healthy lifestyle. One of those corrective measures is to partake in a holistic detox.

The following is a list of various recommendations to effectively lessen your internal toxin levels, which can be done in any combination for increased effectiveness. For optimum results, these should be applied on a regular or seasonal basis, and at minimum once a year.
1. Include Plenty of Deep Colored Vegetables, Herbs and Algae in Your Dietary Arsenal

Cilantro, parsley, alfalfa, and a blue-green algae, chlorella, are three extremely powerful chemical and heavy metal chelators. Dark green vegetables and herbs alkalize and purify the blood, making it easier for the body to rid itself of wastes with less discomfort or “healing crisis” (when the loosening of toxic debris causes a sick or flu- like reaction). You can juice these, include them in salads, and/or mix powdered forms into water or juice for a quick and effective dose.
2. Try Fasting with Lemon Water, Cayenne Pepper and Maple Syrup

This is a radical, but very effective method of giving your digestive system a much needed break from the constant intake of less than optimal foods and flushing out harmful substances. A period of 3 to 7 days, 3 to 4 times a year is a sufficient and proactive strategy. (Use as much lemon as possible, with just enough maple syrup to make it palatable.) Drink as much as desired throughout the day.
Of course lemon water anytime has great benefits.
3. Fast with Juice! A Grade-A Health-Boosting Method for Health

Devote 3 to 14 days (or more for the advanced juice faster) to consuming only fresh, organic, unpasteurized vegetable and fruit juices. Kale, celery, cucumber, beet, carrot, lettuce, ginger and lemon are all excellent choices for neutralizing acidity in the body, increasing our nutrient levels, and flushing our systems of unwanted materials. Remember to actually juice real foods, and not buy bottled juices from supermarkets.
4. Apply a Series of Enemas, Professional Colonics, or a Colon Cleanse

Every substance that goes into our mouths ends up in our colons, where our bodies absorb nutrients, as well as any pollutants that came along for the ride. Though enemas and colon cleanses may seem uncomfortable or strange, cleaning the colon on a regular basis is considered by many experts to be an essential action to take in maintaining an internally clean, healthy environment. Colonics may not be for everyone, so a high-quality colon cleanser could be the preferred choice.
5. Eat a Diet of Predominantly High Water Content, Ripe Fruits, Green Leafy Vegetables, and Juiced Vegetable

Try this: Eat only fruit and/or vegetable juice for breakfast, and as much as desired. Again for lunch have as much fruit and juice as desired, followed by a large colorful salad with any dairy free dressing. For dinner, eat more fruit if possible, followed by another large salad consisting of as many vegetables as desired. Top it off with a baked sweet potato, yam, or red/purple potatoes, and add spices (preferably low salt). Heavier foods like meat, dairy, beans, and even most grains will slow down, or even stop the detoxification process, so be conservative with these foods if you really want to experience results.
6. Sweat it Out!

Detoxing your body naturally through sweating is very important. Through moderate amounts of cardio exercise, wastes is removed through pores on the skin. Aim to sweat at least fifteen minutes every day. You can even follow up with a detoxifying brushing of our skin from head to toe with a boar bristle brush to remove dead skin cells that clog the pores.
7. Get Plenty of Sleep!

Sleeping causes your body to go into a state of cleansing and regeneration. Without proper and sufficient sleep, detoxification organs don’t get the full recharge they need to function at optimal levels. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, in a dark, noiseless environment for optimal results.

In addition to applying these seven steps to detoxifying from hazardous foods and environmental substances, it’s important to remember to hydrate and cleanse your body by drinking plenty of mineralized purified water daily (half of body weight in ounces).

We should be cautious and conscious in our daily lifestyle choices. Consuming safe, natural, and nutrient rich foods, beverages, supplements, and body products, as well as cleansing, hydrating, and detoxifying are the foundation of a proper chemical balance. A higher awareness of our internal and external environments is key. It’s much easier to prevent toxification and maintain a healthy body than attempt to clean up damage that’s already been done. As in life, being proactive beats being reactive by a long shot.

by ;Jan Edward

read more : http://uncleanse.me/?usr=noureddine

1 comment:

  1. K what do you recommend for a good quality colon cleanse? Mineralized , purified water where do you get that . ? I'll post my results .
