How To Create Your Perfect 2013

Did you know that success is far more attainable when you set goals compared with not setting goals? It's important for our minds to feel a sense of growth and to be able to measure it along the way. Do you have anything that you wanted to achieve for 2012 but haven't quite fulfilled yet? Or perhaps you are celebrating all the things you have done so far this year and can look back with a sense of achievement -I always like to remind my clients to celebrate how far they have come, not how far they have to go. Hopefully you do that too!
It's really important for us all to achieve success in different ways as the brain loves to learn new things. This could be something simple like getting out of bed in the morning and going to work, to winning an award or qualification that brings you great satisfaction and joy. It's never too late to get going on anything that brings you pleasure, passion and a deep sense of fulfilment. Why spend your whole life wishing you had made a start on your own personal goals, getting swallowed up in regret later on? Perhaps there was something you wanted to achieve by the end of 2012 but something got in the way of you achieving it.
Even from a young age, I always had a feeling that I was somehow responsible for how my life unfolded but never really knew to what extent. I'd heard of the word fate but felt a little uncomfortable accepting that our entire life was mapped out for us without any flexibility in our choices. I believe we have many options in our life, giving us the freedom to decide which path to take from the opportunities we create.
Life throws many things our way. I have battled depression, emotional eating and been on the receiving end of bullying, stalking and emotional abuse. I was in some very dark places for the majority of my 20s, however I always had a deep intuition that my happiness and fulfilment was my responsibility, something which had to come from my inner core, and not by taking pills or playing the victim card. Challenges are very important contributions to our personal growth, helping us to learn more about ourselves as we go.
You can change your life in the most profound ways when you learn to take control but you have to trust yourself that you can achieve it and TAKE ACTION!
Over the past few years I've transformed my thinking, changed the beliefs that were sabotaging my own personal success and got back control of my life. I've built stronger foundations for my self-esteem and banished all the resentment I held against the people who hurt me (including myself), allowing me to release the emotional baggage effectively going from feelings of fear to love.
On NYE of 2011 my partner and I sat down to write out everything we wanted to achieve for the year ahead. I personally like to do this every year so I have some focus and control over what I bring in to my life.
To give you some insight into how useful it is to set goals, so far this year I have achieved the following:

  1. I wrote my first ebook (and now a 2nd, even though I was assumed a lower grade of English at school).
  2. I have let go of 12 kilos over the last 2 years
  3. I obtained a qualification as a Wingwave Coach
  4. I am writing a new book
  5. I got myself an amazing mentor and coach to help and support my personal growth and development.
I highly recommend taking some time out to write some intentions for the year ahead. Even if at the moment you feel they are unachievable. It is important to have focus and to feel that you are making progress in your life.
If you find it difficult to motivate yourself, try to work out what it is that stops you from achieving your greatest desires and try the following.
A little exercise for you to get you going:
1. Take a piece of paper and list the ideas/thoughts/feelings/actions you want to do but haven't yet achieved.
2. Next to each one, write out what has stopped you so far or what prevents you from getting it.
3. Write out what would happen if you did not achieve what you want.
4. Write out what would happen if you did achieve what you want.
Notice what comes up!
"Don't put any restrictions on your dreams. If you catch yourself saying, "That would be nice, but it's too much to ask for," stop. Ask for it anyway! Don't feel you have to create your dreams instantly; the first step to creating them is just putting the pictures in your mind"

by; ~ Sanaya Roman

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